its always been like that...we find sentimental movies doing big business in India unlike the western world...its becoz.......-in a sentimental movie be it focussing on romance or family plethora...we generally tend to look at it with more of involvement..we put ourselves in the position of the hero/heroine/anyone in the movie for that matter and start feelin"wat if that happened to me"....y do we do that...?/
the seat of emotions in the brain happen to be the of ocurse the limbic system and the "corpus callosum"
when u speak of impulses or nerve action potentials generated from the frontal cortex-the seat for intelligent thinking....the impulses fire for a shorter period...we think of situations on simpler "yes/no".."possible/impossible"..."success/failure" once the issue is sorted out we dont keep thinkin of it again...
but for the impulses from the corpus callosum...they seem to fire for ten times longer...
it happens that the emotional issues tend to have a sticky nature...and we keep thinkin about them even after the issues are sorted out.....
and for Indians the evolutionally older people..the limbic system is phylogenetically older and highly unstable and the corpus callosum seems to be slightly thicker and the impulses fire for longer....
so obviously we keep brooding over issues that are worthless and keep fretting over emotional things..emotionally draining us by and large:(:(...........
The seat of emotion in the brain is most definitely NOT the corpus callosum. It is the Limbic System. The corpus callosum is involved in inter-hemispheric communication.
of cousre yes...the limbic system transmits,retains and retrieves the emotional stuff...the minor variation in submission is regretted..but the point is the impulses from the corpuscallosum happen to be in the longfiring range..that keeps the loop of emotional feelings reenter a no-end process until the issue is settled without any scar over the selfrespect..thank u for reading and thank u for the comments..:)
How do u explain this phenomenon is working in indians.
r u sure about this.
i have some contoversies,
hmmm...i agree with you sir!.we are emotionally attached....and emotionally stupid coz i cry for senti movies..:).but that limbic system thingy is it really true thats fascinating.....
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