Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Give a monkey a banana and seize it back...do u expect it to say-"oh please have them back:)".its obvious that it would scorn at us..replace the monkey in the same situation with yourself....and imagine how u wud react...u wud give him/her a glare but wouldnt shout right coz u think u r a civilised living being.....wondered why the animal in us,jumps out wen we r stressed out on three basic things-food,security,and sex(hush).....??
EVOLUTION guys,....................
........since the start of the life's existence of any form on the orphan planet called -earth-....the competition for survival has gone up every passing day which u all are very well aware of.....
since the organisms got more n more complex morphologically n psychologically...the changes happened literally as sumthn like mass deaths following natural calamities...as simple as it is.
every existing organism is a threat to the fellow organisms wen it cums to the famous trio-food,security and sex...
food-that gives us the ATP that runs every cell..for the instant existence
security-that is known as clothing ,shelter,respect among equals...for the existence in peace
sex-for the existence of ur progeny........
when ever u feel ull be starved ,you anticipate that ur posh bungalow would be stoned,ur ego may get hurt,ur classy car's window panes get thrashed,,or ur girlfriend/boyfriend may elope with sumbdy who is not you....u tend to show the animal in u....
its becoz we r the same animals yet...phylogenetically the animal behavious called- ID- supervenes the divine behavious called -super ego- that calls for a moderator called -ego_(mind you the ego mentioned here is not the ego that a layman knows of..)....ID-is the pleasure seeking behaviour....the famous trio(read as food,security n sex) offer you the pleasure wen u possess them...wen the pleasure thats offered by them seem to be a threat..the animal jumps outta u....wanna know how...
have u noticed the sentimental movies are a huge hit in INDIA rather than the western countries??...u know y??...wait for more will let u know in detail...BYE FOR NOW......


Love and Life said...

Nice ;-)

Unknown said...

hi meenu how r u?
the real fact is "educated animal = human-only when the animal applies after knowing what is education",
"human is always an animal nothing can change the origin"

meenakshi said...

thank u..both...real=fact...so no point in calling somethin a real fact.its just like giving somebody a free gift:):)...